Exceptional Children

Child Find Screenings
Under Federal law, all children with disabilities, birth through twenty-one years of age must be identified and evaluated using specific "Child Find" activities to locate any child with a disability who is not currently receiving services.
Dillon District Three (Latta Schools) provides specialized services to children who live within the school attendance zone and meet eligibility requirements set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Dillon District Three (Latta Schools). These requirements may differ from those of institutions providing similar services (i.e. private therapy).
The disabilities eligible for services in our district are developmental delay, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional disability, speech or language impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, deaf-blindness, visual impairment, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, traumatic brain injury, autism, and multiple disabilities.
If you are aware of any child with disabilities not attending public school or any pre-school child who might be disabled, you may contact Kelly Sellers, Director of Exceptional Children or Rachael Coker, School Psychologist, at Dillon School District Three (Latta Schools) at 843-752-7101. All referral sources will remain confidential.
The next formal "Child Find" screenings will be held Friday, February 7, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Latta Elementary School. To schedule an appointment for this screening date, please contact Rachael Coker at 843-752-7101.
Eligibility for Services Coordinated by the Program for Exceptional Children
Students are referred for consideration for services through a school-based team. The team holds a meeting for each student referred and reviews all information available. The team typically consists of the student's parent or legal guardian, school administrator, and the student's general education teacher(s). Other necessary staff may also be invited to attend (i.e. school nurse, guidance counselor, school psychologist, etc.). The team decides if a student is eligible by reviewing current information. If enough information is not available, then information may be requested.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
IDEA is a federal law that requires public schools to provide specialized services so that students with disabilities have equal opportunities to reach the same level of achievement as other students who do not have disabilities. To be eligible for services under IDEA, students must be between the ages 3 and 21, must meet the definition of one or more of the categories or disabilities provided by federal and state requirements, and must show the need for special education or related services as a result of the disability/disabilities. If the team determines that a student is eligible, the team develops an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP includes the student's needs, appropriate goals to be addressed, and services that will help the student reach those goals. Services are structured to address the student's progress with goals and student's progress in his/her current courses. This allows for students with disabilities to receive a free appropriate public education.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 is a federal law that requires public schools to make adjustments so that students with disabilities have equal opportunities to reach the same level of achievement as other students who do not have disabilities. To be eligible for services under Section 504, a student must be determined, as a result of an evaluation, to have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
If the 504 team determines that a student is eligible, the 504 team develops an individual accommodation 504 plan. The 504 plan explains how the student's needs will be met while at school. The 504 plan typically includes any accommodations that the student may need in order to make progress in each of his/her courses. While Section 504 does not guarantee success for students with disabilities, it does provide for equal opportunity for success through a free appropriate public education.
Medical Homebound Instruction
Medical homebound instruction is a service that is available for students who cannot attend school (even with the aid of transportation) due to a diagnosed medical condition. A physician must certify that the student has such a medical condition and must fill out the medical homebound form that the school district provides. The school district will consider the severity of the student's illness or injury, the length of time that the student will be out of school, the impact that a long period away from school will have on the student's academic success, and whether the student's health needs can be met at school. These factors determine whether or not medical homebound services will be approved by the school.
Contact Info
Kelly Sellers
Director of Exceptional Children
Latta Schools
205 King Street
Latta, SC 29565
Phone: 843-752-7101
Email Kelly Sellers